Friday, 8 May 2015

Question 6

What have I learnt about new technoloigies?

Whilst the production of my magazine i have used a number of different technoigies and software, these have helped me to edit my magazine and make appropriate changes and alterations. The first technology i had to come to terms with was blogger. This is a quick and simple way in which to publish my work for it to be seen and to gain feedback in the comments section which allowed me to make appropriate changes to my media work. The first thing i used blogger for was to analyse a music magazine front cover which allowed me to gage ideas on how to present my very own front cover. It is clear to see with the progression of work that my technological capabilities have increased. Before i struggled with the orientation of my posts and the placement of pictures. I have also learnt about how to link other websites to my blog, some of these are programs like Prezi, Flikr and Soundcloud.
I have learnt to embed links to my blog which allows my bliog to be far more presentable and allwos me to use a wider range of technology, the same goes for programms such as prezi and thinglink.

I have learnt how to edit work on firewroks apporpriately when it comes to adding pictures and effects to the page and what changes to make on how to make it look far more professional. In doing things like changing the font colour and size of the terxt and in which order i put my pictures with the buitmap orientation on the ride side of the page

Another technology i had to come to terms with is Prezi which allows me to present information in a far more organised fashion, it allowed me to add pictures and choose an appropraite theme depending on the context of the presentation, i had to learn how to imbed these onto my blogs appropraietly.

I also learnt to use programes such dafont which ultimately allowed me to make an approproate masthead and gage ideas of what would be suitable for my very own magazine, it has wide range of fonts which could be appropraite for many magazines depending on their genres and what fits the magazine best.

It has a wide range of choices withj many different styles which is able to download and incorporate this with what ever funtion they need it for.

Another technology i used was flikr qwhich was helpful when giving some orientation with the pictures i used and allowed me to gain feedback from this with the use of comments which allowed me to make appropraite improvemtns to the pictures i had already taken.

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